Neuro Physical Therapy

A Neuro-Physical therapist (Neuro PT) in NewRo who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with movement problems due to disease or injury of the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves)

Neurological physical therapy is a form of therapy that is focused on working with people who have a type of neurological disorder or disease.

An initial assessment will be performed by Neuro-Physical therapist (Neuro PT) followed by listing out the impairments (problems). Goals and therapy will be planned according to the individuals need. Therapy will be aimed at improving or restore the mobility with the following therapy measures:

Prevention of secondary complications

(Swelling, tightness, contracture, stiffness in joint) resulting from a neurologic injury

Motor re-education

Improve motor planning and motor control

Bed mobility training

To move inside bed and get out of bed.

Transfer training

Transfer from bed to chair. Balance retraining – improve sitting, standing balance and reduce the risk of fall

Gait (walking) retraining

Walking with or without support, training in the normal surface, obstacle clearance and different terrains Compensatory measures – adaptive/assistive devices

Our focus is to help individuals regain functional independence in mobility.

Diseases like

• Stroke (CVA)
• Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
• Spinal cord injury (SCI)
• Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
• Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
• Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) and other Neuropathies
• Cerebellar disorders (ataxia)
• Vestibular disorders
• Other neurological disorders

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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy, or “OT” as it is often referred, is a skilled health care profession concerned with promoting health and attaining maximum level of functioning of people in their day-to-day activities (ADL) like basic household activities, job-related activities etc… and ultimately integrating them into their community. In short, Occupational Therapy will make an individual with a disability to reach their maximum possible level of functional independence in their activities of daily living, work, and leisure with their capacity and thus improve his overall quality of life.

The occupational therapists help their clients to achieve these goals by the following treatments:

1. Preventing secondary complications: like complications may arise out of prolonged abnormal posture or inactivity of a body part (eg. tightness, contractures, deformities)

2. Remediating Treatment: by remediating the underlying deficits (like muscle power, poor coordination, inadequate understanding of the problem etc…)

3. Compensatory Treatment: by compensating the deficits by the use of adaptive or assistive devices, environmental/home modification, activity modification or educating the patient/family etc..

Services of occupational therapy at NewRo rehabilitation include:

• Performance skills assessments and treatment
• Retraining and restoring the underlying neurological problems (like muscle weakness, poor co-ordination, inadequate understanding to the problem etc…) causing difficulty in performing day-to-day activities (ADL).
• Hand function training (including fine motor / dexterity activity training)
• Teaching new ways of approaching tasks and learning new skills
• Comprehensive home and pre-vocational evaluations with environmental and activity adaptation recommendations
• To sequence and break down the complex activities into easier steps so as to complete the task independently.
• Simulation training for Activities of Daily Living (ADL) like dressing, toileting, bathing, grooming, eating independently
• To plan and prepare for the future job and community living
• Adaptive equipment recommendations and usage training
• Guidance to family members and caregivers
• Wheelchair prescription and training
• Transfer training
• Driving Evaluation
• Fabrication of splints and assistive/adaptive devices
• Ergonomic Evaluation and training

Conditions we treat:

• Stroke
• Parkinson’s disease
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Spinal Cord Injury
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Guillian Barrie Syndrome
• Nerve Injuries
• and other neurological disabling conditions

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Speech-Language Therapy

Speech Therapy is designed to assess and treat disorders affecting Swallowing, Speech, Language, Voice, and Cognitive-Linguistic skills. Speech-Language Pathologists evaluate and treat these areas that directly relate to the ability to communicate effectively in activities of daily living, professional and social situations. They perform Dysphagia (swallow) evaluations to determine the effectiveness of the swallowing function and follow up with treatments to determine appropriate food and liquid consistency and compensatory strategies to maintain safe swallowing at all times

Services provided by our Speech Language Pathologists

1. Evaluation of Speech, Language, Cognitive-Linguistic Functions, Communication, and Swallowing Disorders.

2. Treatment of Speech, Language, Cognitive-Linguistic Functions, Communication, and Swallowing Disorders.

3. Counseling of patients and their caregivers/family on the nature of the disorder, the influence of the disorder on Quality of Life (QoL), patient participation and family support for effective rehabilitation.

4. Training of patients and their caregivers/family on how to maximize communicative and Cognitive-Linguistic functional success.

5. Training of patients and caregivers/family on swallowing precautions, compensatory safety strategies, and diet recommendations.

The following can benefit from Speech-Language Therapy

• Speech Disorders (like Dysarthria, Apraxia)
• Language Disorders (like Aphasia)
• Voice Disorders (like Vocal Cord Paralysis)
Cognitive-Linguistic Disorders (like Traumatic Brain Injury)
• Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia)
• Progressive Neurogenic Diseases (like Parkinson’s Disease)

Causes for Communication Problems

• Stroke
• Brain tumors
• Parkinson’s disease
• Myasthenia Gravis
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Head and neck cancer
• Stuttering
• Mental Retardation
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Tracheostomy Placement
• Voice disorders including vocal nodules
• Dependence on a ventilator for breathing
• Other progressive neuromuscular diseases

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Neuropsychology & Cognitive Retraining

The first symptoms of cognitive impairment may be hard to detect and could appear as normal signs of aging. Things such as forgetting names and phone numbers, and losing items more often than usual are often accepted as a normal part of aging.In the early onset, things may emerge slowly and go unrecognized. When these symptoms start affecting daily life, it may be time for concern.

Common Symptoms

• Memory loss
• Problems doing familiar tasks
• Problems with language
• Trouble knowing the time, date, or place
• Poor or decreased judgment
• Problems with abstract thinking
• Misplacing things often, such as keys
• Changes in mood and behaviour
• Changes in personality
• Loss of interest in starting projects or doing activities

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Pain Management & Treatment Services

Our pain management team addresses all aspects of chronic pain including cancer pain.

Treatments are mentioned below:

Treatable Conditions

• Low Back Pain (Slip Disc), post spine surgery pains
• Neck and Shoulder pain(among computer professionals)
• Headache — Migraine
• Abdominal, Pelvic and urogenital pains
• Neuropathic pain- post herpes, facial pains, trigeminal neuralgia
• Fibromyalgia / myophasial pain
• Pain due to lschemia
• Cancer pain

Advanced Pain Treatment

• Nerve blocks
• Adhesiolysis – epidural (cervical, lumbar, caudal)
• Spinal cord stimulation – post laminectomy pain, ischemic limb pain, unstable angina
• Radio frequency lesioning – trigeminal neuralgia, facet joint pain
• Implantable pumps – cancer pain, bone pain
• Vertebroplasty – spinal pain due to metastasis or instability of spine
• Ozone therapy for isogenic pain
• Tens
• Infra muscular stimulation – muscular pain
• Epidural steroids

Pain Treatment involves 3 kinds of services

1. Routine pain consultations
By the Pain physician, neurosurgeon, Pain Physical therapist etc.

2. Basic pain procedures by the Pain Physician
• IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) – for muscular pain,
• Trigger Point Injections (including under ultrasound guidance) etc

3. By Musculoskeletal PT – also called Manual Therapist
• Joint mobilizations,
• Myofascial release,
• Trigger point therapy,
• Taping technique,
• Neural mobilization,
• Muscle energy release etc.

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Years of expertise Cumulative international & national experience with neurological disabilities & rehab

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NewRo has treated over 2500 patients so far, of which over 500 have been international patients

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NewRo Rehab has performed over 50,000 therapy sessions across India & abroad