Difference between Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy

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Rehabilitation is process of returning the patient to original condition. It can be defined as restoring the condition of good health, or ability to work or the same where as physiotherapy or physical therapy is a type or rehabilitation that can be included in the rehab plan to help in regaining the body strength. Rehabilitation is a broad term in which physiotherapy also comes. For complete restoration of patient, professionals should know every minute details and cause of illness or disease so that a personalised rehab plan can be made and also to prevent the future attack of the disease.

Rehab can refer to:

  • Relearning speech skills, daily living activities, etc.
  • Regaining strength after an accident
  • Learning some good ways to perform tasks.

In physiotherapy, the word physio or physical, clearly indicates that this therapy is related to physical parts of suffered patients. Physiotherapy is mostly focused on movement of body organs and body strength.

In the process of rehabilitation, there may be the need for physical therapy based on injury or disease but it is not compulsory that in every rehabilitation process physiotherapy is involved. But if the case, for example, is stroke where patient body strength or parts of the body is paralyzed then physical therapy is included with other therapies to restore the functions.

In the case of stroke, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other therapies are performed where physical therapy helps body parts to strengthen, occupational therapy in performing daily activities and speech therapy helps patient to talk without having any stress.

Rehabilitation and physiotherapy can differ the location


Rehabilitation process is basically done with a team of professionals who holds detail knowledge in special processes involved in the rehab process and this is usually done in hospitals, rehab centers where a complete team come and handle the process but physiotherapy, on the other hand, can be done in personal clinics or in hospitals, rehab centers. Here a professional in physiotherapy can handle the job.

There are some technical differences between physiotherapy and occupational therapy but both of these therapists teach similar things like to use wheelchair, to walk, to reach and grab something. They both have the target to make patient more independent and ready for daily activities. Occupational therapists focus mainly on the activities that are involved in ‘occupation’ or at work. They too focus on daily performing activities like dressing, cooking, use limbs to do something, etc.

Do not believe on people who say rehabilitation can’t help to regain patient’s normal life because with the advancement of technology and medical science, injuries like Stroke, TBI, problems like Dystonia, Tremors can be completely cured. Here at NewRo Rehab Centre, we are a great team of professionals focuses mainly on the restoration of the patient’s normal life and make them normal as maximum as we can. We have a huge list of success stories in our bag for you to know things in detail and get back to normal life. Rehab process is always a great deal to work with but our professionals are too experienced to handle and let patient reach their end goal.
